Paved Driveway

Asphalt pavements have many advantages over pavement surfaces constructed using other materials. 94% of the roads in America are surfaced with asphalt, and it’s no surprise why. Asphalt pavements are:

  • Environmentally Friendly: Asphalt requires 20% less energy to produce and construct than other pavement materials. Post-consumer waste such as used tires and shingles can also be reused in new asphalt pavement, reducing landfill space and conserving natural resources.
  • Curb Appeal: Asphalt pavements have no built-in, unsightly cracks. They blend with and enhance the natural surroundings.
  • Durable: Asphalt pavements have long lives. All asphalt pavements have a bridging action and are flexible, which means they can withstand occasional overloads without serious damage. They can be designed to suit any conditions of traffic, soils, and materials. Asphalt only needs periodic maintenance to remain in good shape indefinitely.


Paved Driveway

Asphalt pavements have many advantages over pavement surfaces constructed using other materials. 94% of the roads in America are surfaced with asphalt, and it’s no surprise why. Asphalt pavements are:

  • Safe: Asphalt pavements offer high skid resistance. Unharmed by ice and snow chemicals, asphalt’s dark color also reduces glare and melts ice and snow more rapidly than other pavement types.
  • Smooth: Asphalt pavements provide a more uniform surface unmatched by other pavements.
  • Cost-Effective: Asphalt driveways can be built more quickly and cost-effectively than other pavements as well, and only require periodic maintenance to remain in good shape indefinitely.


Handicap Parking Spot

If your business has parking for the public, it must have disabled-accessible parking spaces, if doing so is “readily achievable,” according to the ADA. The number of disabled parking spaces the ADA requires depends on the number of parking spaces in your parking lot or garage.

The parking spaces must be 8 feet wide. The parking spaces must have space for the vehicle plus space to the right or left that serves as an access aisle. The aisle allows a person using a wheelchair, electric scooter or other device to get out of a car or van. For cars, the access aisle must be at least 5 feet wide and be as long as the parking space itself.


Driveway Approach

Local building codes determine what type of driveway apron can be installed. In most communities, sidewalks, curbs, gutters, and driveway aprons are all regulated by local codes. These areas are considered either public access (sidewalks and aprons) or a part of the community’s storm drainage system (curbs and gutters).